Who did the agencies sign in 2022? Part I
In 2022, we tracked 2,534 talent agency signings. This is part I of a first-of-its-kind analysis of who the agencies are signing…
Feb 21, 2023

Rock/Indie makes up the largest proportion of signings, followed by EDM & Pop

Artist size
This shows all 2,534 signings with each rectangle representing the size of the each signed artist’s Spotify audience. Across all signings, the median artist had 123K & the average artist had 969K Spotify Monthly Listeners. For major agency* signings, these figures jumped significantly to 290K (2.4x) & 1.7M (1.75x) Spotify Monthly Listeners.

Almost 2 in every 3 signings* was a male artist (which is about the ratio of most major festival lineups).

Record Labels
Just 16% of all agency signed artists are also signed to a major record label. For major agencies, the % of major label artists jumps to 44% (~3x).

Across all solo signings, the median age was 36 & the average age was 41 years old. The youngest? 16. Oldest... 86! For major agency* solo signings, these figures trend down to median 33 & average 38.

Hit the image below to check out Part II to see signings broken down by agency.