The Victoria Island, Vancouver metal band Spiritbox are sharing their electrifying new EP "The Fear of Fear" with the world. The Roc Nation client includes seasoned lead vocalist Courtney LaPlante, guitarist Mike Stringer, bassist Josh Gilbert & drummer Zev Rosenberg. The band was founded when married couple Courtney and Michael left iwrestledabearonce and joined their manager Jason Mageau at his newly founded label Pale Chord.

With most of the band's writing & recording happening during the pandemic, Spiritbox have been forging a path with live shows as they have toured their debut project "The Eternal Blue" internationally the past year. We got to ask Jason and Mike questions about the band's creative process, tools used to bolster their career & what to expect in 2024.

What is unique about Spiritbox compared to other clients you’ve worked with?

Jason: Spiritbox is a unique client to work with in so many ways. One of the many qualities I love about them is their ability to trust the process. Understanding that sometimes there are forces in the universe that create issues beyond our control and we have to create solutions together instead of dwelling. [P]art of the Spiritbox genius has been those decisions or pivots made in the face of adversity. 

Most importantly Spiritbox work very hard at bettering and evolving their craft. They always challenge themselves and don't get too comfortable for too long. Just one week after putting out their new EP “The Fear of Fear,'' which also features their first Grammy Nominated track "Jaded" for best metal performance, they [were] locked in an Airbnb in Joshua Tree writing new music. They are always creating and thinking steps ahead which I think gives them an edge against others in their respective genre.

Could you share some of your favorite tools or software that has helped activate the launch of an EP, a tour, a merch drop, meet and greet, etc. for Spiritbox?

Jason: I really love using tools that give me more information about the fan base all while having the data ownership. Tools like Klaviyo for e-commerce/newsletter marketing are vital in growing a D2C business by understanding shopping habits and segmenting fans into very targeted groups that I set up, and later market towards. There are times to send an e-blast out to all subs and there are times to only hit a very targeted list, even if a smaller amount is in that bucket. If we have a jacket that costs $200 I may decide to avoid anyone who has historically only spent $30 [on an] average cart order to get the best conversions on a higher priced item. It is a great tool that also offers many automations like a welcome-series flow for new sign ups that offer discounts, etc. It can literally make money while you sleep (if set up properly).

I have recently been using Laylo for SMS marketing, which I think is a great platform alternative to Community or Subtext (I have used them all). Social media is obviously great for discovery and staying broadly/widely connected to the fans, but the goal really should be to drive them to a place where they are guaranteed to be getting the information they want and need first. I see it constantly in the comment sections, where a fan won't see our post until later in the day due to the algorithm and they miss out on the merch drop or pre-sale, etc.

I use SMS marketing even more targeted than I do the email list, and try to make sure there is a reason to subscribe to both so the fans don't get hit twice with the same thing. If there is any type of announcement or important update, our Newsletter and SMS lists got it before we post on socials now.

You guys consistently put out music videos with such captivating and striking visuals. With an accompanying video/visualizer for every track on “The Fear of Fear,” what role do visuals play in conveying the themes or feelings of these songs? And which music video did you have the most fun on set filming?

Mike: Thank you! Visuals have always played a major role in our releases. Oftentimes when the music is being written, Courtney and myself are thinking of what the visuals will be. Music can have such a pivotal role in important moments in people’s lives, and I believe that visuals add another level of depth to that. I’d say we had the most fun filming “Jaded." Caleb and the team went ahead and built an entire infinity room for us to film in. Filming a video practically like that is a difficult task, but we enjoyed doing it.

Congrats on having played festival slots and sold out shows in Europe. What has it been like to see the music connecting with fans internationally? What about Spiritbox do you think resonates so strongly with an audience?

Mike: It’s always mind blowing to me, seeing everyone’s reaction to our show, especially in places like Europe. When you go to primarily non-English speaking areas, and they’re there singing every word, it really puts a lot into perspective. I think people really enjoy Courtney’s messaging, and her lyrics.

What can we look forward to in 2024 from Spiritbox?

Mike: We’re taking some time off to write, and make plans for our next record. Outside of that, a bit of touring!! We’re extremely excited for 2024.

A big thank you to both Spiritbox & Jason for taking the time to answer these questions! Be sure to listen to the band's new EP "The Fear of Fear," out on all streaming platforms. And run, don't walk, to their YouTube channel to check out all their badass music videos 🤘

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